
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Many, many thanks! And good news to share!

I know I have been MIA...but getting ready for this school year has been chaotic {as well as trying to enjoy the last few days of summer!}. I first wanted to thank all of you - in my absence my follower count has EXPLODED and I have now passed 300!! To celebrate {and apologize for my absence/ lack of creating a store} I am sharing my "where are we" poster. I have had so many requests for it and it seems to be the perfect freebie! I also wanted to share some excellent news! My donors choose project was funded! Whoooppee! It was my first time to post a project and it was super simple to do {I encourage all of you to write one!} I am so thankful for generous people who are willing to give towards the education of children! With that said - I hope you have a terrific start of the year!!! I have meet the teacher on Friday and classes begin on Monday. I will do my best to post pics of my classroom this weekend {its turning out AWESOME!!!} as well as pictures of the computer lab that I've redone! Til then...........

CRwhere Are We Poster


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this as your freebie. I am so excited. And congratulations on your Donors Choose!
    Lessons Learned

  2. Thanks for the freebie!! It's awesome! Do you put clothespins on your location?

  3. Way to GOOOOOO!!!! Love the Freebie! Hope Meet the Teacher goes well and congrats on your Donors Choose :)

  4. I am not subscribed to Scribd... is there anyway you'd be willing to save it as a PDF as well.... I've been sooooooooooo looking forward to this poster. :)

  5. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  6. I nominated your wonderful blog as one of MY TOP 10!!!

    You can check out the post here:

    Grab your award button here:

    Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend and school is off to a great start!


  7. I love this! It matches the signs I created for my daily 5. I also nominated you for My Top 10 (didn't see it on your blog already) so go and grab your award!


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  10. Hooray for Donors Choose!

    BTW, you are racking up awards because you made my Top Ten List!

    <3 Third Grade Bookworm

  11. In honor of all of your great freebies and helpful posts, I am bestowing upon you the Versatile Blogger Award. Please go to my website to copy the award pic and pay it forward to 15 other lucky recipients. Happy blogging :)

    Here is the link:

  12. Well, I also think you are a Versatile Blogger award and gave it to you on my blog before I saw the comment above. :) Congratulations on all the awards!

    - Elizabeth

  13. I'm stopping by to present the Versatile Blogger Award to you!!

  14. Anonymous1/05/2012

    do you use a specific program to create the scrap-book like style and fonts?

  15. Hello, I notice this is a freebie, however when I go to download it, scribd wants me to pay a subscription? Is there anyway to get it without paying? Thank you.

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