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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Looky...Looky!! Look what I made!

I was so inspired when I first saw these adorable multiple choice sticks on Tara's blog 4th Grade Frolics! I just knew I had to make them! Being in an upper elementary grade we do so much testing. {unfortunately} Of course I could have made another set of ABCD cards but these are way too much fun! {Don't you know the kids are going to love them!} I promise - super, super simple to make. It took hubby and I less than an hour to make 25 of them!! {including the drilling}

Here is what you need:
Total cost for 25 of them:
Popsicle sticks (100) - 2$
Screws/Nuts (#8) - 3$
Washers (#8) - 2$
Stickers - 5$
Total: 12$ for these amazingly cute multiple choice sticks!

Basically you drill a hole and attach 4 sticks together using the screw, nuts, and washers. Then if you'd like you can add alphabet stickers {or you could just write the number on them}. We found that it was easiest to put 4 sticks together using a binder clip and then drill the 4 sticks at one time.

I couldn't find the stickers Tara used, but I found these really cute dot stickers at the Target 1$ spot that fit perfect on the tip of the stick. They came with 5 sheets to a package {so I needed 5 of them} I also didn't use modge podge for the sticks like Tara did {I didn't have the patience - I wanted them that bad!} but the stickers were pretty secure on them. {I'm sure I'll regret it later!} I also went ahead and put the numbers 1-4 on the backside. {since I already had the stickers}

I cannot wait for my students to use these! Such an awesome, awesome idea! Again I would like to thank Tara for the inspiration and sharing her wonderful idea! If you have not checked out her blog - GO NOW!! She has so many more wonderful ideas! {definitely one of my favorite blogs!}

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a 20$ gift certificate!


  1. Hey there,
    So glad my little project inspired you:) I am just too excited to have thought to redo them "the cute way". Don't know if you looked back further on my blog but my old ones were pretty sad. The kids absolutely love to use them!! Yours look amazing:) Thanks for the recognition and kind words;0)

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. No thank you for the amazing idea!! I thought your old were still cool!!! How did the old ones hold up? I was worried that they might only last a year since popsicle sticks aren't that sturdy by themselves. Even if they did only last a year - it is so worth it to make them again! I have to admit when I saw them I didn't know if I could pull them off - but they were super simple!

  3. What a fabulous idea!!!! I LOVE it and I bet the kids would absolutely love it too!!! Way to go!

  4. So VERY cute!! I've got to make these! :-)

  5. Oh my! These are SuPeR cute! I have just about finished my existing projects so now I will start scouting for these materials so I can make these next!

  6. Aren't they fun!! Seriously super easy to make {and fun} I know my kids are going to flip for them!

  7. I love the creative way these multiple choice sticks were made.


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